Check out this post from ‘The Wayward WebLog’… it is a good discussion starter for anyone who wants to chat about ORM (object-relational mapping) …

<a id="viewpost.ascx_TitleUrl" href="">ObjectSpaces: The Devil is in the Demand</a>

_I’ve coined the phrase ‘object span’ to describe the ability to front load a graph-based query with enough information to cherry pick at the best bits of data so data retrieval is optimized to the application.<span deactivatedstyle="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>I’ve even written about that _ [ <font color="#6666cc"> _here_  ]( _.<span deactivatedstyle="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>Yet I’ve never felt one hundred percent right about any of it.<span deactivatedstyle="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>Not the span exactly, but the whole concept of systems designed to retrieve segments of a data graph into the client space, with interceptors (or swizzlers) that fault in more segments upon demand.<span deactivatedstyle="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>I’ve come to the conclusion that demand loading is just a terribly bad idea._