Brian Randell has written 4 (really 7, but 3 of them are just the same article as both VB and C#) articles on using MSDE in your applications… (via Kent Sharkey’s blog);

Using MSDE?

A whole whack of articles from Brian Randell on working with MSDE in your Web applications has just gone live.
  • [Using MSDE 2000 in a Web Application](
  • And every possible combination and permutation of:
    • Visual Basic .NET and C#
    • Visual Studio, WebMatrix and just the SDK
        Pick one:
[VB+VS](  [VB+WM](  [VB+SDK](  [C#+VS](  [C#+WM](  [C#+SDK](

TTFN – Kent

posted @ 3/8/2004 4:39 PM by Kent Sharkey