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Phil Ringnalda questions the value of letting Google and MSN index his pages…
I love this… and the funny thing was, I had just finished searching MSN for “Phil Ringnalda” (because I had forgotten his URL, well actually because I kept spelling his name wrong when I typed it as a URL) without much success.
Phil Ringnalda: Searching Where I’m Not Hated #
… I don’t have any way of knowing whether Google first decided I was garbage, and then decided that made me a duplicate of other people aggregating me, or decided I was garbage because I was a duplicate of people duplicating me, but I know it isn’t helping: the only time you should let search engines index the output of an aggregator is when that’s the only place the feeds appear as HTML. Otherwise, it’s duplicate content, and that’s going to wind up hurting someone, whether it’s you or the source. …
just a small quote there, you definitely need to [read the whole thing…](" title=“Phil Ringnalda: Searching Where I’m Not Hated)
This isn’t the first time I’ve seen someone questioning the implicit relationship between crawlers and content producers (we let you use our bandwidth, in return people can find our content), see Jakob Nielsen’s search engine post, but it does appear to be happening more and more these days.
Thoughts on this post? Feel free to reach out on Bluesky!