# CDN ## 2020 - [Pushing to the CDN](/blog/cdn-push-vs-pull/index.md) - [Beyond content caching and distribution, what else can a CDN do?](/blog/cdn-advanced-functionality/index.md) - [What does it mean to purge content from a CDN?](/blog/cdn-purge-and-invalidate/index.md) - [Should you have a separate domain for content served through the CDN?](/blog/cdn-separate-domain/index.md) - [More discussion of CDNs with common questions and answers](/blog/cdn-q-and-a/index.md) - [What is a CDN, how does it work, and should you use one?](/blog/overview-of-cdn/index.md) ## 2019 - [Custom Rules in the Azure Premium Verizon CDN](/blog/azure-cdn-rules/index.md)